The medical evidence for healthy habits.

Physical exercise benefits
Mental health benefits

Cars have existed for roughly 100 years. Before that we used horses. But really we didn’t. The lords used horses and if they were rich enough, they could equip parts of their armies with horses. But horses were too expensive for the average person. They were like private jets. So in reality, before the car people walked. For our entire existence, we’ve walked everywhere, all the time.

Ok, what’s the point? The point is, our bodies require use in order to work properly. When they are sitting in a car, at a desk, on a couch, etc, they stop functioning correctly. They stop producing chemicals and hormones that we require to function normally. We are literally starving ourselves of the good stuff.

The idea that exercise gives us something “extra” is not just wrong, it’s asinine. The fact is that LACK of exercise is KILLING our ability to function normally.

The benefits of physical health are well known.

Here is the nitty gritty behind those benefits. The good…actually *fantastic*…news is, you don’t have to run marathons or slave away at the gym. These benefits can be had from something as simple as a half hour daily walk. Here is what even moderate physical exertion creates in the brain and what it does for you.

  • Serotonin – reduces depression, anxiety, frustration, fatigue. Helps self-esteem, memory function, sleep, PTSD, OCD. References hereherehere.
  • Norepinephrine – helps with focus, memory, anxiety, depression, sleep, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, ADHD. References hereherehere.
  • BDNF – helps memory and brain plasticity. References hereherehere.
  • Dopamine – helps with motivation, reward and reduces depression. References hereherehere.
  • Endorphins – the ultimate “feel good” chemicals. They help increase confidence, relieve pain, calm fear, reduce anxiety. References hereherehere.

Mental health is no different and the medical evidence is overwhelming.

As we go through life and experience good things, bad things, traumatic things, we accumulate more and more mental “stuff”. Along with good memories and feelings, the “stuff” includes a complex mix of fears, insecurities, traumas, self doubt, anxieties, stress. There are well researched and defined methods for working through the bad stuff. Some we can discard, some we can accept, some we can change.

If we do this mental housekeeping we can move forward unencumbered. We can be better prepared and capable of facing and overcoming life’s challenges and creating better circumstances and therefore a better life.

  • Cognitive restructuring – discover, challenge, modify negative and irrational thoughts. References hereherehere.
  • Mindfulness – better memory and emotional regulation, reduced stress, anxiety, depression. References hereherehere.
  • Meditation – reduces stress, anxiety, blood pressure. Improves sleep, self -awareness, attention span. References hereherehere.

Your coaching sessions and healthy habits.

All of these methods are at the core of the Awesomeness program and you will be expected to practice them regularly. And with regular practice you will reap the benefits.

Clients regularly give me feedback around weeks 4 and 5 that they feel better for “some reason”. The reason they can’t quite put their finger on is explained above by medicine 😉 Their bodies are generating a cocktail of the basic stuff our minds need. Their thought patterns are changing how they view themselves, their lives, their opportunities. Life no longer seems as difficult as it did a month ago. They are processing challenges in a clearer more productive manner and are staring to see solutions.

And the best part? You don’t need to spend 3 hours at the gym every day. You can of course if you want to. But you don’t have to. How cool is that?

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